Medical Specialties

Specialist Sections & Boards
Specialist Divisions
Multidisciplinary Joint Committees
Thematic Federations

The UEMS represents more than 50 medical disciplines through various bodies and structures. The most important ones are the 43 Specialist Sections, which represent independently recognised specialties.

They have created a European Board as a subgroup, in conjunction with the relevant European Society, with a view to defining European standards of medical education and training.

They also contribute to the work of Multidisciplinary Joint Committees (MJC)  which address fields of a multidisciplinary nature, and also within the Thematic Federations.

A detailed diagram of the  Specialists Sections functioning within the UEMS is accessible here.

UEMS Specialist Sections and Boards

UEMS Specialist Divisions

A UEMS Specialist Section may create one or more division(s) under its responsibility, devoted to the study, promotion and defence of a branch of the specialty or competence.

Here are the Specialist Divisions which have been created under the following UEMS Specialist Sections:

Gyneacology & obstetricsInternal MedicineRadiologySurgery
  • Reproductive Medicine

Multidisciplinary Joint Committees

UEMS Multidisciplinary Joint Committees are committees created  among Specialist Sections  as a platform of cooperation for competences or spheres of activities belonging to several disciplines.

Thematic Federations

UEMS Thematic Federations are platforms fo co-operation between Specialist Sections to address multidisciplinary issues.
Here are the UEMS Thematic Federations:

  • CESMA (Council for European Specialists Medical Assessment)
  • EDI - Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity
  • Green and Sustainable Medical Practice
  • Hypertension
  • Legal and Forensic Medicine
  • Medical Ethics
  • Vertigo